VP Harris Is Frustrated

Back in the day a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away when magic filled the air yours truly had a female manager that was truth be told probably a little too nice for her job. My manager once complained to her boss that she (my manager) had just arrived in her … Read more

Black Images: What’s Good

The Blind Side

These are just some of the stereotypes of Black men and women. Some of them date back to slavery. Others, like the welfare queen, are obviously more recent. They have been discussed in scholarly articles. They have been refuted and dismissed by Black people who don’t realize the archetypes are cast in many major motion … Read more

Godfather Two: Who Opened The Drapes?

In the movie Godfather 2 after a long day of business, Michael Corleone finally returns home to his wife and children. Michael’s wife Kay has already gone to bed but was either not completely asleep yet or had awoken upon Michael’s return. The lamp by the bed was still on. As Michael looks at a picture that … Read more

Are the Producers of Top Chef Racist?

bravo top chef

NOT AGAIN??? Last Wednesday Bravo’s hit culinary reality television series “Top Chef” concluded its 12th season, crowning Mei Lin with the coveted top prize. Coming in runner-up, for the second year in a row was a high-performing African-American chef. This year’s cheated chef was none other than Gregory Gourdet. The producers made sure to properly … Read more

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes

The Highwayman

“The Highwayman” is a romantic poem created by the English writer, poet and playwright Alfred Noyes. I first encountered it as a young child in the Childcraft set gifted to me lo these many years ago by one of my great aunts. “Great” in that she was my father’s aunt, not “great” in that she … Read more