Are the Producers of Top Chef Racist?

bravo top chef

NOT AGAIN??? Last Wednesday Bravo’s hit culinary reality television series “Top Chef” concluded its 12th season, crowning Mei Lin with the coveted top prize. Coming in runner-up, for the second year in a row was a high-performing African-American chef. This year’s cheated chef was none other than Gregory Gourdet. The producers made sure to properly … Read more

Abigail Simon and Jailbait: Why You Take the Plea


Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen-that’s jailbait -Andre Williams It’s all very well to stand on your innocence and refuse to take a plea deal if you know for a fact that you didn’t do the crime and/or are convinced that you can win at trial. Every year we hear of people who have steadfastly maintained their innocence … Read more

Fox News and Sexual Harassment: Charles Payne Suspended

Hughes Payne affair

Sexual harassment is wrong. Adultery is also wrong. But in the Hughes-Payne affair, we only know for sure that one of those things took place. This incident shows why it’s usually a good idea to keep your work life and your sex life separate. Because if things go sideways there are any number of ways … Read more