Book Reviews – Pardon Me, You’re Stepping On My Eyeball, Blood on The Leaves

As I mentioned in the review of Zindel’s book The Pigman, Paul Zindel was an author who primarily wrote for young adults, but really didn’t write down to them. Although his characters didn’t always have mortgages, resentful ex-spouses, demanding bosses, ungrateful kids or more typical adult concerns, the books generally have characters, who despite not … Read more

Book Reviews: The Hungry Earth

The Hungry Earth is a new thriller/body horror novel written by Nicholas Kaufmann. As I get older I wonder if some of the fascinations I or other readers feel with body horror novels isn’t at least in some part driven by fear of aging and the inevitable body changes that occur. The driving force in … Read more

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes

The Highwayman

“The Highwayman” is a romantic poem created by the English writer, poet and playwright Alfred Noyes. I first encountered it as a young child in the Childcraft set gifted to me lo these many years ago by one of my great aunts. “Great” in that she was my father’s aunt, not “great” in that she … Read more

Book Reviews: Ride or Die

Ride or Die by James Newman Do you remember where you were, what you were doing, or your age when you first realized that your parents weren’t perfect? Perhaps one day you discovered that your parents’ marriage wasn’t everything you thought that it was. Maybe you saw or heard one or both of your parents … Read more