Movie Reviews: Werewolves Within

This film is a horror-comedy-whodunnit-murder mystery. It also has a few sly commentaries on male: female relations, feminism, and confidence. I would describe it as Agatha Christie meets Hot Fuzz. There is some mayhem but generally speaking there is not THAT much onscreen bloody imagery. Although the two leads always sparkle when they are onscreen, like … Read more

Movie Reviews: The Woman On The Beach

The Woman On The Beach movie

This is a relatively short film noir although it feels a little longer than its seventy-odd minutes. It lacks most of the violence associated with the genre. It’s a quiet film that is nevertheless unsettling and occasionally even weird. I suppose you could say that most of the missing physical violence is replaced by emotional … Read more

Movie Reviews: Hard Eight

This 1996 neo-noir film was Anderson’s debut. Anderson later went on to direct such films as Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and There Will Be Blood among others. Hard Eight also has a good cast of actors that viewers will recognize from their ubiquitous character work. The movie also includes other actors who weren’t quite megastars at the time but would certainly … Read more

Black Images: What’s Good

The Blind Side

These are just some of the stereotypes of Black men and women. Some of them date back to slavery. Others, like the welfare queen, are obviously more recent. They have been discussed in scholarly articles. They have been refuted and dismissed by Black people who don’t realize the archetypes are cast in many major motion … Read more